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Happy Thanksgiving from Journeys Within and JWOC

I still remember my first Thanksgiving in Asia, before we had moved to Cambodia or started Journeys Within and JWOC. At the time we were traveling in Borneo and I sent an email back home to my friends and family to wish them a happy Thanksgiving and I just went back through my emails and found it! Here is an excerpt:

“We just had noodles at a local stall restaurant for dinner, it didn’t feel much like Thanksgiving and I definitely missed turkey and home! We walked back to our hotel and there were so many people on the street, begging, or working or just struggling to get through and I realized that this is the perfect place to be for Thanksgiving because it reminds us how truly thankful we should be…to have been born in the West, to have an education, to be healthy and to be able to travel and enjoy the luxury of seeing another culture, not everyone has these things! I don’t know where our travels will take us, but I hope I never forget how thankful I am and I hope somehow we do our part to make someone else thankful as well!”

This was written ten years ago and a couple of years later we moved to Cambodia and were starting Journeys Within and following that, JWOC. It makes my heart full to know that JWOC exists and is really spreading the values of Thanksgiving- we support families so they can sit and have a meal together and have health, hope and something to be thankful for.

Ten years ago when we were young, naïve and wrinkle free, we wanted to make a difference and because of your support we’ve been able to. We can never thank you enough for making JWOC possible and giving so many people a chance to be thankful. Below you can see some of the things people are thankful for because of JWOC and you!

Happy Thanksgiving from Andrea, Brandon and everyone at Journeys Within and JWOC!

Sreyney Lack, scholarship student

“I really say thank you to JWOC to give me a chance to continue my study at university and gave me a lot of work experience. JWOC gave me a new life and new way to reach my goal. Thank you to all sponsors that always help JWOC help people. I wish you and your family good luck all the time.”

Searn Hean, Village Chief in Brasat Char

“Thank you so much! I wish all donors have good health, happiness and also continue to help other village in the future. It is very good that the Clean Water Project works to reduce poverty in my village. The villagers improve their health by using filters and getting good hygiene knowledge.”

Soben Kheng, eleven years old

“I want to say thank you because JWOC has helped me a lot. I have chance to learn English, read books and play many different activities in the library for free.”

From Keo Sineth, seamstress in Teakseng Tbong

“I will not forget the help from JWOC. The loan has given me capital for my small sewing business. All my three children are studying at school. Thank you!”

Souerm Lai, farmer in Brasat Char

“I now always use water filter, I don’t need to boil water so it saves me time. The well built near my house means I have enough water for using in all seasons and even enough for growing vegetable. I would like to say thank you very much to all donors who donated to my family.”                                                                                                    

Yary Vat, student in Siem Reap

“It’s great because JWOC allow me to study for free. I am studying English now and I about two months ago I finished the computer course with JWOC. I’m really learning a lot, thank you to JWOC!”

Sareth Soem, scholarship student

“I want to say thank very much to donors who are helping us – thanks for your kindness! Scholarship students at JWOC are lucky, because they can learn and work the same time. JWOC gives us the chance to study at university and also teaches us how to work, especially how to help people.”


Journeys Within Our Community is a tax-exempt non-profit charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the US tax code (Tax ID #47-0953817).
All contributions are tax-deductible in accordance with US tax law.
JWOC is also a registered not-for-profit organization in Cambodia. 

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