My dad always told me, “Do what you know and love.” Well, what we now know and love is family travel. Not only have Callie and Couper grown up in Cambodia exploring this amazing region with me, but our tour consultants have all traveled with their kids to Southeast Asia and we believe in the joy of traveling with children and getting to see the world through their eyes.
Don’t get me wrong though, while we know the joy, we most definitely know the pain. When a luggage cart fell on Callie’s head we got all the details on how to find a pediatrician in Hanoi. When Couper just couldn’t go on without ice cream, we found the best ice cream parlour in Saigon. And when the kids threw up their hands in defeat after multiple temple visits and history lessons, we diverted to the amazing Koh Phi Phi Island Resort with a water slide in the pool and all was forgiven.
We know kids and we know family travel, and whether it’s a special mother-daughter trip, or a multigenerational Christmas bonanza we can plan it for you and make it the trip of a lifetime for everyone!
– Andrea Ross, mom, founder and CEO
More tips: Read our “U.S. School Break Family Vacation Planner”