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Thailand Travel Mart Plus re-cap

By: April Cole

I’m back from my trip to Thailand and I have so many things to tell you that it’s hard to put it all down in a blog post! I figured I’d start with one post by giving you a brief overview of the Thailand Travel Mart event.

Jeab and April at the Thailand Travel Mart

The Travel Mart was a gathering of Thailand hotel representatives, tour operators and travel agents from all over the world. I had about 40 meetings over the two-day conference where I met with many of the hotels that we currently work with. It was wonderful to get to have face-to-face meetings with those I hadn’t met with before, as well as reconnecting with those I had met on previous Thailand trips. At these meetings we basically just went over what we’ve done in the past year and our hopes for the upcoming year, as well as details about our expectations of quality and service for our guests.

April with the "Miss Tiffany's Ladyboy Pageant" Winner - Important business that just had to be taken care of!

I also had the chance to get to meet with some new properties. There are a few properties that are simply amazing and I’m really excited to be offering them for our future guests. Each property had something different to offer, whether it is a simple beachfront property on a small island off of Phuket, or a new luxury property in Bangkok, which will be a great alternative to the classic Oriental or Peninsula. There were also some new properties that were simply – bad! One hotel actually mentioned that they had discovered some gorgeous natural hot springs just two minutes from their property (me, hmmm, natural hot springs in walking distance sounds nice). Then they mentioned that they thought it was too hot so they cooled them down (me: destroying natural hot springs as a matter of convenience for travelers, not nice).
Over all I found the Travel Mart very informative and absolutely inspiring. I came away from the conference with an extended knowledge of the properties in the region, new ideas for locations and tours for our guests, and new friendships with partners. I am very grateful for the invitation from the Tourism Authority of Thailand to this event, and I look forward to attending in future years.

April, Leo DeCaprio and Jeab. Too bad one of these people is made of wax

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The Thailand Travel Mart Plus 2011 aka April’s next Thailand adventure

By: April Cole

When the Tourism Authority of Thailand calls and says they will pay for your flight, plus accommodation, food and touring for you to attend their conference in Bangkok and represent Journeys Within Tour Company, you say YES! So this Monday I’m heading on my all expense paid trip to Thailand to attend the Thailand Travel Mart Plus 2011.

The Travel Mart is a bit different from a typical conference in that buyers and sellers are introduced via email ahead of time, and we have scheduled appointments during the conference days. I’ll be taking advantage of the conference times to have face-to-face time with the managers of our current partner hotels, in addition to looking for new properties that would be a great fit for our guests.

Now, this wouldn’t be Thailand without some great adventures mixed in with the conference, now would it? I’m squeezing in as much as I can in the short seven days I’ll be there. Ill be touring Ayyuthaya, watching a Muay Thai match, heading out for drinks and dancing with our Bangkok guides, and I’m also hoping to find the time to get a maid of honor dress made for my sister’s upcoming wedding. And that’s just the extra activities in Bangkok!

After the conference I’ll be heading to Northern Thailand on tour. I had quite a few options of tours (one of which was basically lazing at the beach and trying out a bunch of spas!) but I chose to head to Northern Thailand. One, because I love Northern Thailand’s beauty and two, because there were places in the tour I think JW guests will love. I’m really excited to check these new locations out to see if they are as incredible as they sound. I’ll be staying in a home stay outside of Chiang Mai city in a nature reserve, then off to a jungle retreat and then the elephant nature park!

It will be a whirlwind trip with things planned every minute, and it will be amazing. Can you expect anything less from Amazing Thailand??

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