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Traffic in Vietnam – Organized Chaos

By: Michelle Ngyuen – Vietnam Country Director

Most new comers to Vietnam comment on how crazy the traffic looks on first arrival. Bikes and cars are everywhere especially at rush hour, and that can mean on the pavements too in some areas so be aware. However, when you take time to sit back and observe you will soon begin to realize that there is some organization amongst the chaos and it isn’t so bad.

There is a method to the madness here!

An important point to let you know is that it is a complete waste of time stopping at pelican or zebra crossings. They are everywhere, but you will be there a long time, as traffic never stops when you wait at the kerb. This is very strange to us from overseas, where the concept is understood. So it is better to find a set of traffic lights to cross at if you can.

If you need to cross the road away from traffic lights at the crossings then you should not dither or be unsure as you cross, as that is when accidents may happen. So you should remember to choose a time when you feel it is best to cross, take a breath, and cross assertively and walk forward confidently. Traffic will know to go around you. Sometimes holding your hand up in the air can help too.

Locals are very helpful and when I first came to Vietnam some lovely people helped me too. If you are unsure in District 1 in Saigon you can ask the tourist police to help you across. Their job is to look after you, so watch for the people in green uniforms.

Look for these green uniforms if you need help getting through the traffic

4 comments on “Traffic in Vietnam – Organized Chaos”

  1. I find Hanoi the hardest, but I always find a little old lady and cross next to her. They never look at the traffic, they just stick their little hand up and head across (with me huddling by their side). Yup, I’m a hero;)

  2. Have only been in Hanoi a few days, but find just go with the flow and youll be fine! The traffic system here works, they beep to let eachother know their there and everyone goes around everyone, never stop just keep the flow going. However, I have NEVER seen anyone in the green uniform shown in the picture. I see what appears to be military or police-still researching exactly who they are. Every one here is quite friendly!

  3. Hi Janet, hope you’re enjoying Hanoi! You’re right, I’ve only ever seen the Tourism Police helping with street crossings in Saigon, in Hanoi I think you’re on your own…or with a little old lady, my favorite trick!

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