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It's Good to Be Two

Couper and I took the boat from Phnom Penh back to Siem Reap this weekend and while I generally think being 2-years-old looks frustrating, this was one time I was jealous of his time in life. We boarded the boat at 730am at the Phnom Penh Pier…for me this was ridiculously early, for my little friend who is up at 6am without fail, this was a fun outing. Walking down to the boat on the slippery steps my heart was in my mouth, Couper on the other hand reveled in his 2-year-old oblivion and enjoyed the extra squeeze I was giving him. Once on the boat my seat felt a bit cramped and I wasn’t convinced by the view. Couper had plenty of room and if he stood on the seat also had a great view out the window at the other boats and birds. For the first couple of hours of the trip this is what he amused himself with, bird watching and boat pointing. By the time we got the Tonle Sap Lake and the boring part of the ride commenced Couper made himself comfortable and fell fast asleep. I attempted to sleep, but the vibrations of the boat made any head-rest rather jarring!

Couper woke up as we started getting closer to Siem Reap and he and I ventured outside to watch the boats and birds in the fresh air. He loved this and, rather than worry about the harmful UV rays beating down onto his tiny, perfect nose, he waved to the birds and locals out fishing. At the dock on arrival the sea of tuk-tuk drivers that descended on us just amused Couper and, unlike me, he at no point thought we might end up in the lake…in retrospect he probably would have thought a swim was a lot of fun too.

We were running late so got to have lunch in town at a nice restaurant where the waitresses fussed over him. All in all, not a bad day of boating for a 2-year-old.

An adults perspective: When the words “death-trap” and “boring” enter your mind you know it isn’t the ideal form of transport. With that said, the views in the beginning and end are fun and the middle isn’t as bad as the bus. Most tourists sit on the roof thus arriving in Siem Reap looking like lobsters, those that stay down below suffer the consequences of mild claustrophobia and stuffiness. The ride takes about 5 hours and if you tap into your inner 2-year-old it ain’t so bad 🙂

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Gavin, the rockstar.

It’s 3:00 in the morning, we’ve just finished the last leg of our 18 hour journey, we’ve landed in a foreign country, our minds are as disheveled as our bed head and Jet-lag has become a new four letter word. The thought of smiling was as foreign as the country we were now in – but that was all about to change. Waiting for our bags at the Bangkok Airport my soon to be 2 year old son Gavin had decided that the middle of the walkway was as good as a place to take a nap as any. While I was mortified and trying to maintain some sort of composure, an unusual thing happened. The local staff began surrounding us and smiling saying hello and asking “Can I take a picture?” . “Huh?” I asked. A sweet girl then said – “Of the baby.” I had to giggle, these people we all deeply entertained by my son and his choice to lay down on the floor. Not ten minutes after we had landed Gavin had acquired a fan base. The laughter began to uproar as soon as he realized that if he made a funny face or performed some sort of trick people would laugh. And this was just the start of our journey. Everywhere we went at least 5 people asked if they could take a picture or hold him. While at our hotel in Chiang Mai the girls there came just short of knocking on our room door and asking if Gavin could come out and play. As we drove up the entire staff would run to the van “Gavin!!” they cheered. He would then be whisked away and given candy and toys and delight as the girls all smiled and laughed when he’d perform one of his silly tricks. Not only was Gavin’s picture taken, and gifts were constantly bestowed upon him, he also received three surprise birthday parties! We had cake and candles in Cambodia, cake for breakfast in Krabi and cake for desert in Koh Lanta. Everywhere we went girls surrounded Gavin, I felt like Justin Timberlake’s mother (but much younger!) Now that we are back home Gavin can not quite understand why he can’t illicit the same attention while wandering through the market – although I think he’ll continue to try.

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