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Top Ten Reasons You Know Daddy Didn't Plan this Trip.

#10. We have all needed airplane tickets, passports and an itinerary.

#9. We are not checking any oversized bags, stuffed with surfboards, golf clubs or skimboards.

#8. When the child has a breakdown he will be given a granola bar, not a Snickers Bar.

#7. We’ve only used the phrase “We’ll just wing it” twice.

#6. We didn’t book the super suite that comes with ice cream in the room and the bathtub overlooking the ocean.

#5. We’re not going on the Flight of the Gibbins tour with the plan of holding the kiddo in the front carrier while flying over the jungle canopy. Nor skiing with him in the front carrier either, Nor sky diving, Nor any other crazy adventure activity you can come up with!

#4. We actually have a plan as to what we’re doing for the day. The plan does not include taking a tractor out to a farm with no electricity which is a  7 hour drive away on a very lonely a dirt road. (this one’s for you Brandon 🙂

#3. We are not stopping at every single local stall to try out every food item and then finishing with McDonalds soft serve ice cream for dinner.

#2. We’re not renting a moto bike in Siem Reap and seeing how many people we can fit on it and still be able to drive.

#1. We’re probably not having as much fun as we could be if Daddy did plan this trip!

This is for my hubby, who always reminds me about the adventure of life. Happy Father’s Day!



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