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In my new ‘spirit of recession’, Couper, Mom (the nanny and no, I do not miss the irony of the name) and I boarded a bus to Phnom Penh today. We took the Mekong Express bus from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh, a six hour journey with one 15 minute stop in the middle. Here were the pros and cons:

Pro: My two-year-old who is potty training did not have an accident and slept for an hour and a half of the ride.

Con: There were ridiculous amounts of mosquitoes and they seemed to multiply over the 6 hours…can they breed that fast!

Pro: It was cheap, just $11 for adults and no charge for kids

Con: Kids is defined by the parents, the guy across the aisle from me had a large eight year old in his lap, I was glad I wasn’t sitting next to them!

Pro: There is a bathroom on the bus

Con: You have to be Cambodian size to fit in it and I think it goes straight to the street

Pro: The driver was pretty good, there were only a few Hail Mary moves and no dogs were maimed or killed as far as I saw

Con: They play Khmer karaoke for most of the ride

Con expanded: It skips every time the bus bounces

Con expanded more: The road is bumpy!

Pro: The bus stops in Phnom Penh in the main tourist area so getting to your hotel is really easy.

Con: That is if you can push through the throng of people yelling…’you need moto’, ‘you need tuk tuk’, ‘you need anything’

Pro: You feel that you have done your part to be budget conscious in a recession

Con: How long do they say this recession will last!?!?


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